Released on = September 7, 2006, 9:20 pm

Press Release Author = Merchants Barter Exchange

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Merchants Barter Exchange Sets The Record Straight Against

Press Release Body = Merchants Barter Exchange (MBE), the fastest-growing and most
respected national trade exchange in America has created a new section called "MBE
News" on their web site at MBE press releases,
bulletins and other announcements will be posted and continually updated to inform
the public of the company's latest news and progress. This will help to dispel
recent numerous rumors manifested by false news releases sent out and posted on free
press release sites.

"We are very excited to offer our members and general public this new resource of
Despite misleading press releases that have been posted on the web, our clients and
the press will always receive accurate company information on our web site," said
Steve Bolles, President of MBE.

Beginning on August 3, 2006 MBE received information that a North American Barter
Association (NABA) press release was on the Internet with extremely negative
information regarding MBE. Many fabricated news releases followed with fake names
and numbers. These press releases are completely erroneous and MBE is not now, nor
has ever been affiliated with North American Barter Association - NABA. The fact is
NABA does not exist, and was concocted with a onslaught of bogus press releases by a
former MBE employee hired to handle marketing projects. After learning of several
instances of unprofessional and unethical business behavior MBE terminated the
employee. MBE has never received any correspondence of any kind from NABA, and
there is no investigation or fines against MBE. MBE licensees are located
nationwide in: New Jersey, California, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
Indiana, Arizona, Virginia, Washington, Michigan, Minnesota and New York.

\"As a licensee owner with the company, I\'ve realized how brilliant MBE is. The
company is built of integrity and for the satisfaction of their members. I\'m proud
to be part of a team that continues to prove their dedication through their work,\"
said Bill C. Licensee Owner, California.

To encourage companies to experience the benefits of Merchants Barter Exchange
risk-free, MBE offers a unique "Double Your Money Back" guarantee by extending a
Trade Dollar credit line representing more than double your initiation and
membership fees, which can be spent with MBE member company's. MBE is currently
working with E-Kartha to create a new web-based software for brokering; which would
be interactive for licensees, sales reps, and members. By working closely with
their developers in India to bring the project to completion, Merchants Barter
Exchange is on its way to becoming one of the largest trade companies in the
industry and is eager to continue to grow. Their groundbreaking approach
persistently sets them apart from their competition.

Merchants Barter Exchange began in 2000 since then they have proven a six-year
reputation of success, and in 2004 expanded into franchising. By using barter, you
can generate significant new business while you conserve cash and clear out excess
time, inventory, or capacity. Their motto is 100% trade, 100% of the time. Barter
exchange eliminates the drawback of traditional one-to-one bartering. You can
obtain goods or services from a member company even if they have no need for your
goods or services. Unlike regional exchanges, Merchants Barter Exchange is national
in scope, providing their members many more opportunities to trade. Members conduct
their transactions with 100% Trade Dollars, and charge Trade Dollar prices
equivalent to cash prices. This supports the value of the Trade Dollar and enables
a solid exchange for both the buyer and seller.

For More Information Please Contact: Tonia Kowal Tel: 800-822-7204

Web Site =

Contact Details = Merchants Barter Exchange
Tel: 800-822-7204

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